10 Simple Ways to Manage Election Stress

By Ashlyn C.
November 8, 2020

If you’re like me, you’ve noticed a spike in your anxiety and stress due to the election. There was definitely a mix of emotions throughout the week. I’ve been feeling extra anxious mostly around how people will react to whoever wins this election. Anxiety is high, stress is high, people’s emotions are high, and so much more. I wrote this blog before the president election was decided, but I still believe we could all benefit from these tips. I know we are still facing some uncertainty and stress during this time.

This kind of stress and anxiety can cause us to feel overwhelmed, scared, or even physically sick. Luckily, we are able to control how we respond to this uncertainty, and take care of ourselves! Our mental health is so important and should be our top priority.

Here are 10 simple ways you can manage your election stress/anxiety: 

  1. Social Media Break - This one is a given. There is so much going on around all social media platforms right now, and it can be overwhelming. I definitely find myself feeling more anxious or fearful after going on social media. People are being over-stimulated by information, and even misinformation. It can be really damaging for our mental health. I suggest taking at least a few hours (or days) off all socials. I promise it will still be there when you get back! This will give you some time to reground yourself, come back to reality, and reduce your stress.
  2. Journal - Journaling can be so therapeutic! Take 5-10 minutes when you are feeling anxious/stressed, and just write. It doesn’t matter what you write, as long as you’re getting out whatever you’re feeling. Remember, all feelings are valid! Let out whatever is bothering you, or even making you fearful or stressed. You will feel much lighter after. 
  3. Breathe - When we get stressed or anxious, our breathing becomes shallow and shorter. Try out some breathing techniques or regular deep breathing. This will calm you down, and return you to the present moment. A great breathing exercise I like to do is called the 4-7-8 breath. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 5 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. Do this about 5-10 times. There are also many other amazing breathing exercises on Youtube or online! 
  4. Take a Bath - This is one of my favorite stress-relievers. Make sure not to check your phone during this time. Turn on some happy music, throw on a face mask, add in some essential oils/bubbles and get some candles going. I even like to throw on a short meditation while I’m at it! If you’re into crystals, have those close by as well. Stay as long as you need, and allow yourself to become relaxed and present! 
  5. Call a Friend/Loved One - If you feel like you need some extra support, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember that we are all going through this together. Calling someone and talking through your feelings can help tremendously. 
  6. Go for a Walk - Being in nature is a great way to become present and grounded. If you can, take a moment to walk barefoot in the grass. This will help you ground yourself and reduce stress! While walking, notice any thoughts or emotions that arise. Just acknowledge them and let it go. Pay attention to any sounds or things you see/smell. 
  7. Acknowledge your Feelings - Whatever emotions or thoughts you are having - they are valid! I know there’s so much going on right now, and tensions feel high. Just remind yourself that it will work out either way, and you will be okay. Acknowledge whatever you’re going through with kind awareness. Allow yourself to feel it, and let it pass. All is well.
  8. Notice the Positives - It feels like there is a lot of negativity right now. Take some time to write out a list of all the positive things happening in the world or in your life. You’d be surprised how many positive things are happening daily! This will help you redirect your thinking from the negativity. 
  9. Gratitude List - This is similar to number 8. Write out a list of 10 things you are grateful for. It can be something simple like a stranger holding the door for you, or something bigger like getting a new job. It is solely up to you! This will also help you redirect your thinking, and appreciate the smaller things in your life. 
  10. Do Something that Gives you Joy - This can look different for everyone. You could either go on a quick getaway for new scenery, be in nature, read a new book, try a new recipe, exercise, meditate, do yoga, and so much more. Think about what truly brings you joy, and make sure to carve out some time to do it. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you! 

I hope these examples help you manage whatever you’re feeling from this election. Just remember, it will all work out the way it’s supposed to & we will be okay! Make sure you are taking care of your mind, body, and soul. Listen to your body when you need rest. Reach out and check on loved ones and friends, too. We got this! 

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