3 Things you're Probably doing Mindlessly

By Ashlyn C.
December 11, 2020

In our world, we're used to the hustle of our every day lives. It's so easy to get caught up in life, and go through the motions. When we do this, we're basically living on "autopilot". This can lead to us doing things mindlessly, and not being fully present. While there are many things we can do mindlessly, here are three examples - 

  1. Eating - This one is very common (I'm guilty of this!). Most of the time when we eat, we are distracted by our phones, tv, other people, etc. When we are distracted, we are not fully tasting our food, and can cause us to overeat. We can even be mindless when choosing how much food we put on our plate, causing us to overeat as well.
  2. Listening - Another relatable one. Do you ever catch yourself thinking about what to say next while someone is talking to you? As humans, we like to be in control, and prepared. It's easy for us to tune out who is speaking, and think of responses instead. This takes away from the person talking, and doesn't let us fully hear them.
  3. Driving - We've all been there. You're on the freeway daydreaming about what you're going to eat for lunch, and boom, someone swerves in front of you causing you to slam on the breaks. Maybe you're on your phone texting or trying to find a new song and almost run a red light. All of these distractions can be potentially dangerous for us.

So, how can we through some mindfulness in and change this?!

  1. Chew slower. Try to chew each bite 20 times if possible, and really notice each flavor, smell, texture, etc. Notice these all without judgment just as they are. Try to get rid of distractions for at least one meal - no phone, no tv, and no work. Start out with one meal a day, and work your way up!
  2. Try to catch yourself thinking of what to say next. Notice when your mind starts to wonder and make judgements. Come back to the person speaking, and really focus on their words. Allow the response to come naturally. This one is a little more difficult to do, but with practice it will get easier!
  3. Put the distractions away. I'm talking about your phones. That text can wait. Find a playlist before you start driving so you don't have to use your phone. Be mindful of the cars around you, and what they might do. There are some pretty crazy drivers out there, so better safe than sorry!

These are just a few examples of how we can do everyday things mindlessly + on autopilot. With practice, we can become more present with mindfulness, and live our lives fully. Who doesn't want that? If you're looking for more ways to bring mindfulness into your days, check out our 7-day mindfulness mini-course! Here, you will learn 7+ mindful activities and practices, and will focus on a new subject each day. The practices are followed by reflection questions. This will leave you with more knowledge on this subject, different practices to add to your days, and make you feel calmer + present!

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