October 19, 2020
Mindful Monday 10/19

MINDFUL MONDAY - "I release what no longer serves me." This is your sign to let go of old mindsets, self-doubt, old habits, or anything else that isn't for your highest good. Monday is a great day to start fresh, and create positive routines/make positive changes.  Pay attention to the way you speak to yourself […]

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October 9, 2020
One Surprising Way Mindfulness Can Reduce Stress

Right now, the world is going through one of the worst global pandemics we’ve ever had. There are also the issues of political unrest, racial injustice, protesting, high unemployment rates, and so much more. Pretty overwhelming, right? The good news is, even with the world seeming to be upside down, we can still control how […]

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October 5, 2020
Mindful Monday 10/5

MINDFUL MONDAY - "I am not my thoughts". I know sometimes we can be flooded or overwhelmed by our thoughts. It can be difficult, especially if they are negative ones. I can completely relate. Remembering this affirmation has helped me get through those negative thoughts. It is completely normal to have thoughts coming in during […]

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September 26, 2020
Five Common Misconceptions About Mindfulness

Mindfulness has become more popular recently, which has lead to different stigmas surrounding it. This can definitely be a deterrent to trying this practice. Mindfulness means to be fully present and aware of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings without judgement. Still not sure about mindfulness? Here are five of the most common misconceptions I'll debunk: […]

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September 13, 2020
My Favorite Go-To Healthy Dinner Recipe

Have you ever been stuck figuring out what to make for dinner? You want something healthy and delicious, but aren't sure what to make? I feel this way at least a few times a week! When I'm feeling stuck on what to make, I throw together a buddha bowl with what I have. This is […]

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September 7, 2020
Mindful Monday 9/7

MINDFUL MONDAY - "I am knowledgeable." We all hold valuable knowledge within us. I have found it hard to believe this some days when imposter syndrome or confidence issues creep in. I find myself second guessing, and double checking things I already know, just incase. Does this sound familiar?  It happens to us all. Sometimes […]

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September 5, 2020
Your Simplified Guide to Sound Healing

Sound healing, also known as music therapy, is a great way to relax. There are many benefits for the mind and body when it comes to this type of healing. It can be as simple as listening to a certain frequency on youtube, or even a happy song. Many studies have shown that certain sound […]

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August 31, 2020
Mindful Monday 8/31

MINDFUL MONDAY - "Everything I need is already within me." We hold the power to do whatever we want in life. Whether we want to be happier, more confident, or better at our jobs, we already have the potential. We just need to look within ourselves first.  In order to do this, we need to […]

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