August 30, 2020
Monthly Reflection

Can you believe August is almost over! I can't. This month has been full of growth and challenges for me. I invite you to reflect on how your month went!  At the end of each month, I will be posting a monthly reflection for you to try. This is a great way to remind yourself […]

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August 24, 2020
Mindful Monday 8/24

MINDFUL MONDAY - "I am loved." Even if you don't feel it every day - you are loved! I know it can feel like sometimes we don't deserve love, but that is not the case. Feeling loved is our birthright & we all deserve it. Love can come from many different sources like our friends, […]

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August 23, 2020
The Wonders of MCT Oil

MCT oil, or Medium-chain triglycerides, are great for giving your body the boost it needs. This is because it is filled with many healthy fats, which our bodies metabolize quickly. What is it? MCT oil is derived from coconut oil (or palm kernel oil). It is made of fatty acids. Since it is easier for the […]

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August 17, 2020
Mindful Monday 8/17

MINDFUL MONDAY - "My feelings are valid." Sometimes when we feel uncomfortable emotions, we can make up excuses as to why we feel them. Every feeling is valid & real. It's simple. They are valid because we feel them! I know a lot of us like to hide our emotions or cover them up because […]

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August 15, 2020
Healthy Apple Nacho Recipe

I recently found this recipe for healthy nachos. This is the perfect snack for any occasion. It only has a few ingredients, and is so addicting! Ingredients: Apple Granola Peanut butter Honey or agave Cinnamon Chocolate chips (optional) Enjoy!

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August 10, 2020
Mindful Monday 8/10

MINDFUL MONDAY - "I choose myself today & every day." Happiness really comes from within. We need to make ourselves happy before anyone else can. We know ourselves better than anyone else, and know what we need. Do something for yourself today! Cut out that toxic friend, get some coffee alone, or go for a […]

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August 8, 2020
The Best Natural Sleep Remedies

Getting a good night's sleep is so important. Researchers say adults should be sleeping 7-9 hours a night to function properly. For many of us, this is not our reality. I know some of you can relate and I’m right there with you! There are countless reasons why we have trouble falling asleep & staying […]

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August 3, 2020
Mindful Monday 8/3

MINDFUL MONDAY - "I am worthy." You are worthy of all the happiness, love, and whatever else you want. I know it can be hard to believe this, but it is true! Remind yourself of this daily, especially when you are feeling unworthy. Try to challenge negative thoughts that come in. You deserve all the […]

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