Goodbye Expectations, Hello Happiness

By Ashlyn C.
November 27, 2020

Having expectations are completely normal. We expect things to go a certain way, or for there to be specific outcomes. In doing this, we can set ourselves up for disappointment. Things don't always go as planned, and that's just life! We can really only control ourselves and our responses.

I definitely relate to being disappointed when something doesn't go as I thought it would. I find myself doing this a lot when I plan to go out, or do something with friends. I plan out the night in my mind, and have an idea of how things will go. Then, when it doesn't go exactly as planned, I feel upset. This takes away from the fun I should've been having, and takes me out of the present moment. I feel like we can all relate.

"If you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed." - Sylvia Plath

Managing our expectations is something that takes practice and patience. It's definitely not easy!

This isn't to say that we should get rid of all expectations though! Goals can actually be seen as expectations, which can help motivate us. We just need to be mindful of managing those expectations, so when things don't go the way we thought, we are fine.

Here are some great tips on how to manage your expectations in life:

  1. Acknowledge you're disappointed - This can be uncomfortable to fully feel these emotions, but it will allow you to feel it, and move on. Once you notice you're feeling this way, you'll be able to decide how you want to respond to this.
  2. Remember most things are out of our control - When we do this, it will alleviate some of the expectation. Go with the flow of life and enjoy. Focus on what you can control (your reactions).
  3. Adjust your mindset - When we feel frustrated or sad something didn't go as we planned, try to focus on the positive that happened. Change your mindset to think of what did go well, instead of what didn't happen. This will leave you feeling happier and you will learn to release expectations.
  4. Surrender - Try to allow yourself to just surrender, and have a good time. Whatever you're doing will happen the way it is supposed to. When you find yourself planning what could happen, just notice you are doing this, and come back to the present moment.

In a world full of uncertainty, expectations can definitely leave us feeling sad or disappointed. Just remind yourself it is normal, and to allow yourself to just enjoy the present. Embrace the unknown & know it will all work out the way it's meant to!

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