Mindful Monday 11/16

By Ashlyn C.
November 15, 2020


"I am enough just as I am." You are enough no matter who you are. Sometimes it's hard to believe this because of social media and by comparing ourselves to others. It can seem like everyone else is doing "better" or "more" than us. Just remind yourself it's okay to be on your own path, and to go at your own pace. You are exactly where you need to be! 

If you're feeling like it's hard to believe you are enough, remind yourself of this affirmation. Say it out loud three times a day, and you will believe it. You got this.


Try to be present and notice your emotions this week. It is totally normal to experience many different emotions throughout one day. Just be patient, and notice how they feel. Did something trigger the emotion? Is it uncomfortable? Do you feel happy? Sad? Notice them without judgement & remember they are temporary.

I hope you all have a great week!

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